I have not made progress documenting LifeGraph Solutions with Enterprise Architect v7.5. I think the creation of what a LifeGraph software is should be illustrated in UML and verbosely annotated since I'm not likely to prototype it in a programming or scripting language anytime soon. Beside the obvious UML diagramming of an architecture in progress, the business plan for LifeGraph Solutions has grown to little more than a cover page preceding a table of contents. Watching the iPhone developer videos on the Apple website is motivating. I see medical applications for patients and providers that are LifeGraph like and that is great. My email to William A. Yasnoff, MD, PhD, FACMI; Karen Trudel and CAPT Mary Forbes, USPHS asking for any baseline health, wellness, and/or medical information creation, derivation, and aggregation for the statistically average male and female who live to 100 years of age will probably go unanswered like most of my inquiries to officials. But I have to ask considering they are Senior Advisor National Health Infrastructure (NHII), Informatics Program Manager, and Federal Health Architecture Program Manager, HHS.
I attended the 2009 SIGGRAPH in New Orleans for a couple of days. My work schedule and budget could not support being there the entire week. The Web3D Consortium members in attendance were a great bunch to hang out with and talk business.
I have yet to cross paths with someone who has native XML database management system experience on mobile devices, X3D browser implementation skills and the abilities to integrate ontological models into XML schemas. The search for those few goes on and my passion to assemble a team or company that is willing to pursue the same possibilities with LifeGraphs as the nexus between Governments, Corporations and Citizens continues.