0. Write the Leading Edge Report I described in my 2008 LEF Grant proposal.
1. Write the Metaverse for National Intelligence paper for the DNI/CIO
2. Request a X3D version every good and service I purchase in CY2011.
3. Write the EmployeeGraph Concept paper I discuss on CSC's C3 site.
4. Author three X3D scenes using all the nodes in H-Animation and ... specifications
5. Author three H3D scenes using all the API elements
6. Author three OpenAL scenes using all the API elements
7. Submit a feature paper for a Virtual Reality publication that's peer reviewed
8. Specify the LifeGraph requirements
9. Analyze the gaps between the LifeGraph specification and COTS products
25 December 2010
16 November 2010
18 October 2010
More of the same with LifeGraphs
I completed Air War College, 17th Edition this month! I'm pursuing my ITIL Expert certification now and have two classes behind me. My near term goal is a paper for the International Astronautical Congress in Cape Town, South Africa next October. I have six months to write what I think will be the only paper on the general solution to spanning user-defined, hollow spheroids with an arbitrary number of points that are isogonal and equidistant. The purpose of the paper is to use the solution to the spanning problem as the objective function for a constellation of satellites equal in number to the points chosen for a spanned hollow spheroid that are unperturbed by J2, the Moon, etc. The constellation problem is to size, orient and phase the satellites to best match the singular solution. This is not a trivial problem for arbitrary N Earth orbiting satellites.
The motivation for this research is based on the idea of an Earth Outer Space Traffic Control System that has a transparent infrastructure being this isogonal and equidistant constellation, which is supplemented with platforms (orbiting and based elsewhere) carrying sensors for telecommunications, navigation and surveillance like the core constellation. The heavy-traffic orbital regimes, which will vary over a day to a solar cycle (11 years) will dictate where the EOSTCS needs to be augmented.
Suffice it to say, I hope to use X3D to render the spanning volume results and the inter-satellite parameters of the candidate constellations that seek to match the isogonal and equidistant (wrt to nearest neighbors) spanned volume.
10 August 2010
Unsatisfactory Blue Dart
I worried my Blue Dart was too "out there" for Joint Strategic Leadership when it took more than a day to get a response. Here's what my instructor had to say about it.
William, Unfortunately, your Blue Dart on "Lifegraphs" has been graded unsatisfactory. I read it through twice and couldn't make heads or tails of it. I had never even heard of this topic until your Blue Dart. I took it to our IT folks and this was unfamiliar to them too. Keep in mind that Gen Lorenz wanted Blue Darts that could possibly be published in your hometown newspaper. Keep your audience in mind. Don't pick a subject that is so esoteric that people are unfamiliar with it. You write well. If you pick a topic that is more understandable, you should be able to sail right through this. Best of luck.
I will write my next Blue Dart this week on a strategy for cross domain solutions to help win the GWOT.
William, Unfortunately, your Blue Dart on "Lifegraphs" has been graded unsatisfactory. I read it through twice and couldn't make heads or tails of it. I had never even heard of this topic until your Blue Dart. I took it to our IT folks and this was unfamiliar to them too. Keep in mind that Gen Lorenz wanted Blue Darts that could possibly be published in your hometown newspaper. Keep your audience in mind. Don't pick a subject that is so esoteric that people are unfamiliar with it. You write well. If you pick a topic that is more understandable, you should be able to sail right through this. Best of luck.
I will write my next Blue Dart this week on a strategy for cross domain solutions to help win the GWOT.
02 August 2010
My Blue Dart for AWC - LifeGraphs for National Security and Defense
A Blue Dart is like an op/ed piece in length, purpose and style. I had to write one for the AWC 17th edition Joint Strategic Leadership course. I will submit my Blue Dart after my mentor gives me the OK. If my JSL instructor accepts it, I will proceed with submitting a Professional Development Plan. Otherwise, I will have to rewrite my Blue Dart and resubmit it within 30 days.
Please tell me what you think about the 800 words I wrote on LifeGraphs for national security and defense. Condensing LifeGraphs, the concept, into 700 - 800 words is challenging if you know me and all I can say about it.
My 40 years of living have been circumscribed by computing machinery, software suites and databases galore yet no single legal entity can generate a LifeGraph for me or of me. I have digital tracks, electronic signatures and paper marks in every branch of the US government but it probably cannot graph those artifacts into contiguous behavior and identity patterns with the stealth, speed and agility of F-22A Raptors. Sadly, it is mostly true for our enemies—remember 9/11. Is this changing faster and for the better? Our government wrestles with the transformation of managing human identity in cyberspace to govern. No other nation-state has set a transformational example to emulate so we may be the bellwether. Three-hundred million US citizens’ digital identities are the cooperative but constitutionally protected targets to protect and defend from thousands of criminals and enemies of the state. I believe coordinating LifeGraph legislation, information regulation, financial transformation, and biometric integration will catalyze our National Security and Defense improvement.
LifeGraphs catalyze the conversion of data into actionable intelligence because at least one person involved with traded items will cooperate with US protectors and defenders. Their LifeGraph will be the nexus to synthesize the products in contextual scenes of behaviors to support decisions of national security (e.g., adjudicate a security investigation or arrest a terrorist suspect). LifeGraphing remains a labor intensive challenge for our intelligence and law enforcement communities.
A LifeGraph is a legal record of ownership and stewardship for a natural or legal person’s life and/or property. LifeGraph legislation I call the eReceipt law would obligate traders to exchange non-proprietary (royalty-free), digital encodings of tangible goods and observable services’ structure and behavior at or near the point and time of trade. There are few digitally native products of high assemblage with tangible realizations today but most of the millions of globally traded items are not. Repurposing computer-aided (fill in the blank) is occurring to realize new markets for that data in the consumer chain. Owners will choose to encode the usage of the traded item at their discretion using their secure LifeGraph software. The LifeGrapher incentive to encode product usage and human behavior stems from the intrinsic value it accumulates over time. The risk of LifeGraph theft will dissuade many to graph the data no matter the degree or selectivity over a potential 100-year lifetime.
Assume an eReceipt law, the governmental agencies and departments with regulatory powers have to rewrite rules for information exchange between every combination of legal and natural persons. These rules will apply to traded items and human activities subject to taxation. The interfaces between governments, businesses and citizens for property exchange will effectuate LifeGraphs by channeling the virtual products through “semantic engines” with unique identifiers while its tangible instance changes hands as usual. The effect of governmental LifeGraphing on national security and defense is the potential for better administration of its resources and better services to its citizens, who can securely expose their LifeGraphs to attain governmental services more efficiently than today. Citizens pay taxes for services like protection and defense. Regulators should distribute the storage of the virtual Government in proportion with its natural distributions of humans, goods and nature to localize the effects disasters including the costs to militate against them.
A cashless USA is not essential to useful LifeGraphs or argued to enhance national security or defenses but transforming the financial system in this direction could increase the rate of owners encoding their product usage and for natural persons, their behaviors. The more they encode the more valuable their LifeGraph becomes to others—privacy seduces! LifeGraph software will be able to export authentic LifeGraphlets to sale or just give away. A digital cash infrastructure that isolates the government from the exchange between businesses and citizens like paper & coin money is needed—privacy promotes! The premise is you and the enemy will be lured to the infrastructure replacing monetary currency thinking non-attribution is widely available once again. The government has the deepest pockets so the possibility of acquiring LifeGraph content it was never privy to never goes away if they are willing to pay or persuade the LifeGraphers who they allege have it.
Those allegations will be based on the biometric integration of finance and traded items encodings. The capability to sequence the human genome gives security professionals new opportunities to increase the confidence of human identification and authentication in stressing environments when access control to weapons release authority are the kind of decisions being made in the context of national security and defense. Gone are the days of digital key chains for governmental resources protected or defended at home and abroad. Asset protection systems will bind with the human genomes granted access. The national security and defense needs LifeGraph-based information technology and systems to realize higher levels of surety.
Please tell me what you think about the 800 words I wrote on LifeGraphs for national security and defense. Condensing LifeGraphs, the concept, into 700 - 800 words is challenging if you know me and all I can say about it.
My 40 years of living have been circumscribed by computing machinery, software suites and databases galore yet no single legal entity can generate a LifeGraph for me or of me. I have digital tracks, electronic signatures and paper marks in every branch of the US government but it probably cannot graph those artifacts into contiguous behavior and identity patterns with the stealth, speed and agility of F-22A Raptors. Sadly, it is mostly true for our enemies—remember 9/11. Is this changing faster and for the better? Our government wrestles with the transformation of managing human identity in cyberspace to govern. No other nation-state has set a transformational example to emulate so we may be the bellwether. Three-hundred million US citizens’ digital identities are the cooperative but constitutionally protected targets to protect and defend from thousands of criminals and enemies of the state. I believe coordinating LifeGraph legislation, information regulation, financial transformation, and biometric integration will catalyze our National Security and Defense improvement.
LifeGraphs catalyze the conversion of data into actionable intelligence because at least one person involved with traded items will cooperate with US protectors and defenders. Their LifeGraph will be the nexus to synthesize the products in contextual scenes of behaviors to support decisions of national security (e.g., adjudicate a security investigation or arrest a terrorist suspect). LifeGraphing remains a labor intensive challenge for our intelligence and law enforcement communities.
A LifeGraph is a legal record of ownership and stewardship for a natural or legal person’s life and/or property. LifeGraph legislation I call the eReceipt law would obligate traders to exchange non-proprietary (royalty-free), digital encodings of tangible goods and observable services’ structure and behavior at or near the point and time of trade. There are few digitally native products of high assemblage with tangible realizations today but most of the millions of globally traded items are not. Repurposing computer-aided (fill in the blank) is occurring to realize new markets for that data in the consumer chain. Owners will choose to encode the usage of the traded item at their discretion using their secure LifeGraph software. The LifeGrapher incentive to encode product usage and human behavior stems from the intrinsic value it accumulates over time. The risk of LifeGraph theft will dissuade many to graph the data no matter the degree or selectivity over a potential 100-year lifetime.
Assume an eReceipt law, the governmental agencies and departments with regulatory powers have to rewrite rules for information exchange between every combination of legal and natural persons. These rules will apply to traded items and human activities subject to taxation. The interfaces between governments, businesses and citizens for property exchange will effectuate LifeGraphs by channeling the virtual products through “semantic engines” with unique identifiers while its tangible instance changes hands as usual. The effect of governmental LifeGraphing on national security and defense is the potential for better administration of its resources and better services to its citizens, who can securely expose their LifeGraphs to attain governmental services more efficiently than today. Citizens pay taxes for services like protection and defense. Regulators should distribute the storage of the virtual Government in proportion with its natural distributions of humans, goods and nature to localize the effects disasters including the costs to militate against them.
A cashless USA is not essential to useful LifeGraphs or argued to enhance national security or defenses but transforming the financial system in this direction could increase the rate of owners encoding their product usage and for natural persons, their behaviors. The more they encode the more valuable their LifeGraph becomes to others—privacy seduces! LifeGraph software will be able to export authentic LifeGraphlets to sale or just give away. A digital cash infrastructure that isolates the government from the exchange between businesses and citizens like paper & coin money is needed—privacy promotes! The premise is you and the enemy will be lured to the infrastructure replacing monetary currency thinking non-attribution is widely available once again. The government has the deepest pockets so the possibility of acquiring LifeGraph content it was never privy to never goes away if they are willing to pay or persuade the LifeGraphers who they allege have it.
Those allegations will be based on the biometric integration of finance and traded items encodings. The capability to sequence the human genome gives security professionals new opportunities to increase the confidence of human identification and authentication in stressing environments when access control to weapons release authority are the kind of decisions being made in the context of national security and defense. Gone are the days of digital key chains for governmental resources protected or defended at home and abroad. Asset protection systems will bind with the human genomes granted access. The national security and defense needs LifeGraph-based information technology and systems to realize higher levels of surety.
26 May 2010
My email to authors of Beyond Total Capture: A Constructive Critique of Lifelogging
10 May 2o10, I wrote the following to Abigail and Steve who wrote a feature article for Communications of the ACM. Neither has replied.
Abigail and Steve,I read your article yesterday with enthusiasm. The article was insightful and thought provoking because I'm eager to go to market with Lifegraphs. LifeGraphs are native XML databases (NXD) initiated by one's parents or guardians at the moment of embryonic discovery (for humans or natural persons) or establishment of legal identity (i.e., governments and corporations--legal persons) and terminated upon their last financial transaction or property disposition at or soon after death or disestablishment.
The mountainous hurdle to effective LifeGraphs is federal legislation to require manufacturers and service providers (i.e., legal persons) to harmoniously repurpose, digitally sign and securely transmit the computer-aided design/drafting files for the goods and services traded with legal and natural persons. To do so is herculean because it means millions of products (i.e., goods and services) like those for the human body, manufactured items and natural elements (e.g., parcels of land, mineral deposits, bodies of water and sectors of air--airspace).
The premise is very soon every good and service in the North American Product Classification System (http://www.census.gov/eos/www/napcs/napcs.htm) will have CAD/D behind it but they all don't get repurposed them for the consumer chain! If you discredit this situation and/or trend then LifeGraphs are a non-starter. If you accept this and think the U.S. Congress will pass an enforceable law for the "21st century e-receipt" then LifeGraph software might form the basis for a Blue Ocean (as in the book Blue Ocean Strategy--www.blueoceanstrategy.com).
Lifegraph software is vaporware today that promises to transform or make irrelevant bookkeepers, accounts, and many trades and professions that have little need for the senses of smell and taste. Those senses are the most difficult to render in an immersive, virtual environment. Using todays' (consumer) technology platforms as a host for the typical 100-yr LifeGraph at its midpoint (of 50 years), an 64GB iPad running LifeGraph software would allow a the 50-yo married Mom to plan, monitor and recall all of her health/medical info via her time-adjusted 3D body scan morphed by her personalized digital human model (PDHM) of all her bodily systems.
Her PDHM is tuned (like a Kalman Filter) with measurements taken by her home health equipment and her healthcare providers, and all inputs are digitally signed and date/time stamped via GPS time receivers on her network.
Say her backyard has a 4-meter wide and 2-meter deep sink hole the morning after torrential rains. She grabs her iPad and calls up the GIS data provided her at the closing by the land parcel seller "by LAW" to see if there has ever been a sinkhole on her property. The search reveals nothing has been recorded by the previous owner or the county. She hires a landscape contractor who uses ground penetrating radar to survey her sinkhole and surrounding land before repairing it. The contractor provides her LifeGraph with the digitally signed GPR data so the subsequent owner will have the subterranean view for a variety of purposes.
If not her body or her natural resources then its a manufactured good like her 2010 Audi Q7 TDI that has its presence in her LifeGraph. In accordance with the federal law, the Audi dealer emailed her a user name and password for her to download theVIN specific auto (assessories and all) she purchased. As she operates and maintains that vehicle that LifeGraph object grows with each good and service for the Q7.
The kewl factor is LifeGraph software providers compete on the presentation layer and cannot lock in customers via proprietary file formats of the primitive data (derived data are another story). I will spare you the dozens of buzzwords identifying the enabling technologies and harmonization of owners and stakeholders.
I am asking for you opinion about the LifeGraph concept. I've blogged about this idea since investigating one particular enabling technology--Extensible 3D Graphics (X3D), VRML's successor in 2007 at http://x3d4enterprise.blogspot.com and http://mobilemirrorworlds.blogspot.com
Thanks for contributing a well-written article to COMMUNICATIONS of the ACM. I can promise you I will reference your article when explaining how LifeGraphs differ from LifeLogs. LifeLog is a concept that has way more press so my listeners are likely to remember and compare it with LifeGraphs.
William O. Glascoe III, PMP
Program Management Consultant
CSC Federal Consulting Practice
Abigail and Steve,I read your article yesterday with enthusiasm. The article was insightful and thought provoking because I'm eager to go to market with Lifegraphs. LifeGraphs are native XML databases (NXD) initiated by one's parents or guardians at the moment of embryonic discovery (for humans or natural persons) or establishment of legal identity (i.e., governments and corporations--legal persons) and terminated upon their last financial transaction or property disposition at or soon after death or disestablishment.
The mountainous hurdle to effective LifeGraphs is federal legislation to require manufacturers and service providers (i.e., legal persons) to harmoniously repurpose, digitally sign and securely transmit the computer-aided design/drafting files for the goods and services traded with legal and natural persons. To do so is herculean because it means millions of products (i.e., goods and services) like those for the human body, manufactured items and natural elements (e.g., parcels of land, mineral deposits, bodies of water and sectors of air--airspace).
The premise is very soon every good and service in the North American Product Classification System (http://www.census.gov/eos/www/napcs/napcs.htm) will have CAD/D behind it but they all don't get repurposed them for the consumer chain! If you discredit this situation and/or trend then LifeGraphs are a non-starter. If you accept this and think the U.S. Congress will pass an enforceable law for the "21st century e-receipt" then LifeGraph software might form the basis for a Blue Ocean (as in the book Blue Ocean Strategy--www.blueoceanstrategy.com).
Lifegraph software is vaporware today that promises to transform or make irrelevant bookkeepers, accounts, and many trades and professions that have little need for the senses of smell and taste. Those senses are the most difficult to render in an immersive, virtual environment. Using todays' (consumer) technology platforms as a host for the typical 100-yr LifeGraph at its midpoint (of 50 years), an 64GB iPad running LifeGraph software would allow a the 50-yo married Mom to plan, monitor and recall all of her health/medical info via her time-adjusted 3D body scan morphed by her personalized digital human model (PDHM) of all her bodily systems.
Her PDHM is tuned (like a Kalman Filter) with measurements taken by her home health equipment and her healthcare providers, and all inputs are digitally signed and date/time stamped via GPS time receivers on her network.
Say her backyard has a 4-meter wide and 2-meter deep sink hole the morning after torrential rains. She grabs her iPad and calls up the GIS data provided her at the closing by the land parcel seller "by LAW" to see if there has ever been a sinkhole on her property. The search reveals nothing has been recorded by the previous owner or the county. She hires a landscape contractor who uses ground penetrating radar to survey her sinkhole and surrounding land before repairing it. The contractor provides her LifeGraph with the digitally signed GPR data so the subsequent owner will have the subterranean view for a variety of purposes.
If not her body or her natural resources then its a manufactured good like her 2010 Audi Q7 TDI that has its presence in her LifeGraph. In accordance with the federal law, the Audi dealer emailed her a user name and password for her to download theVIN specific auto (assessories and all) she purchased. As she operates and maintains that vehicle that LifeGraph object grows with each good and service for the Q7.
The kewl factor is LifeGraph software providers compete on the presentation layer and cannot lock in customers via proprietary file formats of the primitive data (derived data are another story). I will spare you the dozens of buzzwords identifying the enabling technologies and harmonization of owners and stakeholders.
I am asking for you opinion about the LifeGraph concept. I've blogged about this idea since investigating one particular enabling technology--Extensible 3D Graphics (X3D), VRML's successor in 2007 at http://x3d4enterprise.blogspot.com and http://mobilemirrorworlds.blogspot.com
Thanks for contributing a well-written article to COMMUNICATIONS of the ACM. I can promise you I will reference your article when explaining how LifeGraphs differ from LifeLogs. LifeLog is a concept that has way more press so my listeners are likely to remember and compare it with LifeGraphs.
William O. Glascoe III, PMP
Program Management Consultant
CSC Federal Consulting Practice
Metaverse for National Intelligence and the Enterprises that Acquire it
I've been pondering how to create wholesale demand for the integration of virtual reality technologies into the US Federal Government that address its problems of sustainable efficiency and organizational effectiveness. vGov is the latest government contract vehicle to virtual reality technologies and virtual world integration services in a trusted space. I'm focused on how the Intel Community can use these technologies throughout its enterprise and claim achievement of its 2015 Vision Statement faster because of discipline usage of virtual reality technologies.
When I say the IC, I mean the following in terms of Reserviors, Rates and Ratios (understand I have no access or reason to know the exact figures, especially the energy consumption, but these 10 parameters should appear to be common sense for sizing up an enterprise like the IC in the year 2009):
A cool graphic integrating this parameters and the values is needed here. I apologize for not having the artist skills to draft one for you.
I have two purposes. First, to integrated virtual reality technologies the IC's capacity to manage its resources--humans, land parcels, and manufactured goods, which include land improvements, fixed & mobile equipment, vehicles, petro/lubricants/oils, other consumables, and monies. Second, to increase the efficiencies of ...operations with the data, information and knowledge the IC creates, calculates, and collects on humans, nature and manufactured items. I don't know of any enterprise-level baselines or benchmarks in this regard so they need to be performed then recognized to continue this quanitative story. Remember to baseline or benchmark is one thing and the baseline or benchmark is another.
(performance posture) Baselines (measurements)
humans - biometrics, psychometrics, personalized digital human models for users and targets
nature - living and non-living things (way too much stuff to even start listing)
manufactured items - parts, ingredients, ... computer-aided designed, engineered and/or manufactured then those files repurposed for end users (what a third of LifeGraphs are about).
(performance posture) Benchmarks (measurements)
humans - qualifications, evaluations, violations, citations (for award or decoration), ...
nature - conservation, perservation, degradation, scaping, forming, ...
manufactured items - toxicity, lethality, efficacy, ...efficiency, warranty, utility, ...
I'll continue this story in earnest after completing Air War College next month. This document needs to become a virtual world in of itself. I will have to overcome my usual paralysis of writing when I get frustrated from a lack of examples to leverage. This happens when I cannot find germane enterprise storylines with quantitative bodies of evidence via the internet.
When I say the IC, I mean the following in terms of Reserviors, Rates and Ratios (understand I have no access or reason to know the exact figures, especially the energy consumption, but these 10 parameters should appear to be common sense for sizing up an enterprise like the IC in the year 2009):
- ~30,000,000 computers (= 100/user or 10/sensor or 300/target or...)
- ~3,000,000 sensors collectors (includes humans)
- ~300,000 TB data (<10%>
- ~300,000 users (<1%>
- ~30,000 installations buildings (service/data centers) platforms (...vehicles, ...)
- ~30,000 targets targeted daily (humans, nature, and man-made items)
- ~3,000 apps (operating systems, protocols, RT-embedded, mission-, business-)
- ~300 GW (average; human calories/staff-hr and power for man-made items)
- ~300 Billion USD (<3%>
- ~30 TBps throughput (average: wired and wireless-SATCOM & terrestrial)
A cool graphic integrating this parameters and the values is needed here. I apologize for not having the artist skills to draft one for you.
I have two purposes. First, to integrated virtual reality technologies the IC's capacity to manage its resources--humans, land parcels, and manufactured goods, which include land improvements, fixed & mobile equipment, vehicles, petro/lubricants/oils, other consumables, and monies. Second, to increase the efficiencies of ...operations with the data, information and knowledge the IC creates, calculates, and collects on humans, nature and manufactured items. I don't know of any enterprise-level baselines or benchmarks in this regard so they need to be performed then recognized to continue this quanitative story. Remember to baseline or benchmark is one thing and the baseline or benchmark is another.
(performance posture) Baselines (measurements)
humans - biometrics, psychometrics, personalized digital human models for users and targets
nature - living and non-living things (way too much stuff to even start listing)
manufactured items - parts, ingredients, ... computer-aided designed, engineered and/or manufactured then those files repurposed for end users (what a third of LifeGraphs are about).
(performance posture) Benchmarks (measurements)
humans - qualifications, evaluations, violations, citations (for award or decoration), ...
nature - conservation, perservation, degradation, scaping, forming, ...
manufactured items - toxicity, lethality, efficacy, ...efficiency, warranty, utility, ...
I'll continue this story in earnest after completing Air War College next month. This document needs to become a virtual world in of itself. I will have to overcome my usual paralysis of writing when I get frustrated from a lack of examples to leverage. This happens when I cannot find germane enterprise storylines with quantitative bodies of evidence via the internet.
22 April 2010
A few human-centric resource challenges
A couple weeks ago I asked a Practice Resources Specialist at the American Health Information Health Association about one of three pillars about LifeGraphs. See below.
I'm investigating the primitive and derived data dynamics from human health maintenance. The investigation is for a conceptual database product I call LifeGraph. My efforts are not sponsored, endorsed or funded by CSC or the USAFR, my employers. I have not been able to find several data products I thought would be available between the US government, academia and industry regarding human health maintenance.
First, I have not been able to locate a master data health model for male and female human beings living in industrialized countries that is a baseline and benchmark for wellness validation by year (from embryonic discovery through postmortem examination with 100 years of life between the two dates). The purpose of the baseline is to literally look at the health parameters and digital data volume accumulations as those parameters are measured at some frequency based on best practices for a given year (across the 100 year groups). I understand how varied recommended and practiced screenings, tests, etc. will be based on the person or patient. The assumption I'm asking or expecting an informatics researcher to have made is the person/patient is assumed to be healthy going into the appointment with a healthcare provider. This is like asking how much data will accumulate on someone who dies at 100 from a tragic accident and was "healthy as can be" because he/she did everything right all their life from a health maintenance perspective. It's theoretical and arguably impossible but it's a baseline assumption to discuss excursions. One factoid from such bookkeeping is the number of terabytes and files by type/format from primitive and derived measurements and transactions to get those measurements whether by yourself or via an insurance provider of any type (i.e., governmental or private).
Second, I have not been able to locate a portal or organization that has a human being parts catalog that is truly comprehensive--organs, tissues, fluids, artificial, animal and human! This is like asking the anatomist and physiologist to locate or identify if and what is replaceable/transplantable and augmentable/implantable then compile it into an interactive web-based application that uses 3D graphics to navigate the options. The information sources I've found are centered on the medical professional's speciality so if you need eyeball components then you find an ophthalmologist association, if you are an amputee then ... But never have I found a human body part (organ, tissue, fluid) web site that one can browse in 3D true color and "drag and click" parts for a given gender of a given age (fetal to 100-yo) and condition to see the effects of the selections. By effects I mean the new limitations (range of motion, endurance, diet restrictions, etc), costs (for the initial/subsequent operation, the part itself, additional care for the part, etc.), medical procedure recovery periods, etc.
Third, I have not been able to locate a person who has a vision or an organization with a strategy to federate digital human simutable models spanning the spatial and temporal resolutions germane to end users commited to continously learning about the human body but not necessarily Western medicine (i.e., I'm willing to master 3,000+ medical / health / nutritional concepts & terms during 9+ decades of healthy living). This means there is a DHM initialized with medical and health data from the parents and they import the fetus, natal and childhood medical and health data to tune the DHM until the child is old enough to manage the importation until their senilty or death. The DHM might be access via a handheld device like an iTouch, iPad, etc. but the more important concept is the human being has a personalized DHM running in the "...Cloud" and feeds off of every measurement of the human's health reducing the error of predictions delivered when the owner explores anatomical and physiological scenarios.
I hope you will call to discuss. This is probably more than you expected from "someone off the street" per se but I'm just tired of waiting for someone to really integrate the ocean of information into a form that is accessible and actionable to those of us who want the option to look at our journey from embyronic discovery to estimated death and think nothing of manipulating that data statistics, snapshots, pictures, movies, animations, simulations, etc.
To no surprise, the reply acknowledge how interesting the pursuit is and a few marginally useful hyperlinks that don't answer my questions.
Thank you for contacting AHIMA. Your research project sounds very interesting. AHIMA is not aware of any resources that would be of assistance to you. Below are a couple of sites that might; however, I cannot be certain. I wish you luck with your project.
Other NCHS content is available here - http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/ . WHO is another source of statistical data - http://www.who.int/whosis/en/index.html . The NLM also has a number of databases, but I doubt any would be of any use to him - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Sitemap/
Healthy People at http://www.healthypeople.gov/ I believe it is sponsored by AHRQ http://www.ahrq.gov/ and contains a lot of government research data on population health status and initiatives.
I'm investigating the primitive and derived data dynamics from human health maintenance. The investigation is for a conceptual database product I call LifeGraph. My efforts are not sponsored, endorsed or funded by CSC or the USAFR, my employers. I have not been able to find several data products I thought would be available between the US government, academia and industry regarding human health maintenance.
First, I have not been able to locate a master data health model for male and female human beings living in industrialized countries that is a baseline and benchmark for wellness validation by year (from embryonic discovery through postmortem examination with 100 years of life between the two dates). The purpose of the baseline is to literally look at the health parameters and digital data volume accumulations as those parameters are measured at some frequency based on best practices for a given year (across the 100 year groups). I understand how varied recommended and practiced screenings, tests, etc. will be based on the person or patient. The assumption I'm asking or expecting an informatics researcher to have made is the person/patient is assumed to be healthy going into the appointment with a healthcare provider. This is like asking how much data will accumulate on someone who dies at 100 from a tragic accident and was "healthy as can be" because he/she did everything right all their life from a health maintenance perspective. It's theoretical and arguably impossible but it's a baseline assumption to discuss excursions. One factoid from such bookkeeping is the number of terabytes and files by type/format from primitive and derived measurements and transactions to get those measurements whether by yourself or via an insurance provider of any type (i.e., governmental or private).
Second, I have not been able to locate a portal or organization that has a human being parts catalog that is truly comprehensive--organs, tissues, fluids, artificial, animal and human! This is like asking the anatomist and physiologist to locate or identify if and what is replaceable/transplantable and augmentable/implantable then compile it into an interactive web-based application that uses 3D graphics to navigate the options. The information sources I've found are centered on the medical professional's speciality so if you need eyeball components then you find an ophthalmologist association, if you are an amputee then ... But never have I found a human body part (organ, tissue, fluid) web site that one can browse in 3D true color and "drag and click" parts for a given gender of a given age (fetal to 100-yo) and condition to see the effects of the selections. By effects I mean the new limitations (range of motion, endurance, diet restrictions, etc), costs (for the initial/subsequent operation, the part itself, additional care for the part, etc.), medical procedure recovery periods, etc.
Third, I have not been able to locate a person who has a vision or an organization with a strategy to federate digital human simutable models spanning the spatial and temporal resolutions germane to end users commited to continously learning about the human body but not necessarily Western medicine (i.e., I'm willing to master 3,000+ medical / health / nutritional concepts & terms during 9+ decades of healthy living). This means there is a DHM initialized with medical and health data from the parents and they import the fetus, natal and childhood medical and health data to tune the DHM until the child is old enough to manage the importation until their senilty or death. The DHM might be access via a handheld device like an iTouch, iPad, etc. but the more important concept is the human being has a personalized DHM running in the "...Cloud" and feeds off of every measurement of the human's health reducing the error of predictions delivered when the owner explores anatomical and physiological scenarios.
I hope you will call to discuss. This is probably more than you expected from "someone off the street" per se but I'm just tired of waiting for someone to really integrate the ocean of information into a form that is accessible and actionable to those of us who want the option to look at our journey from embyronic discovery to estimated death and think nothing of manipulating that data statistics, snapshots, pictures, movies, animations, simulations, etc.
To no surprise, the reply acknowledge how interesting the pursuit is and a few marginally useful hyperlinks that don't answer my questions.
Thank you for contacting AHIMA. Your research project sounds very interesting. AHIMA is not aware of any resources that would be of assistance to you. Below are a couple of sites that might; however, I cannot be certain. I wish you luck with your project.
Other NCHS content is available here - http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/ . WHO is another source of statistical data - http://www.who.int/whosis/en/index.html . The NLM also has a number of databases, but I doubt any would be of any use to him - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Sitemap/
Healthy People at http://www.healthypeople.gov/ I believe it is sponsored by AHRQ http://www.ahrq.gov/ and contains a lot of government research data on population health status and initiatives.
19 March 2010
Still dwelling on human health maintenance holism
I've been focusing on completing Air War College (Distance Learning) for several months and have about four more to go. The think piece I wrote for the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research has been in review for a few weeks. I expect a rewrite of the 2700-word ramble will be required.
My next writing target is the CSC 2010 papers program submission deadline, 17 May 2010. I'm probably going to author a 5,000-word piece entitled "A Mirror World Architecture for the Intelligence Enterprise". From imager-to-renderer, microphone-to-speaker, pressure sensor-to-haptic device, and computer-aided designer-to-computer-aided intelligence consumer, I shall describe an architectural framework to ingest, digest, and egest objects of intelligence interest designed by humans or elements of nature. The reserviors, rates, and ratios of computing machinery, data, and human actors will be illustrated and analyzed to discuss the information management implications of a Mirror World paradigm for...intelligence...
As for the ferreting out the government agency and/or business that has a holistic approach via their web presence or product offering for managing (digital) human health maintenance from embryo to corpse, no luck. My recent inquiry and response was with the Dept. of Health and Human Services' Health Resources and Services Administration, Division of Transplantation. I asked the following.
I'm researching LifeGraphs, which is a undeveloped nDimensional native XML Database (NXD) for natural and legal persons' mobile mirror world. For natural persons, their human bodies pose a duanting set of requirements to manage their health maintenance, especially when you assume a 100-yr baseline for the period of maintenance (i.e., embryonic care through post-mortem examination). I'm searching for a centralized source of transplantable, replaceable and augmentable human body constituents (i.e., hard and soft tissues and bodily fluids) preferablely with a 3D graphical user interface. Is there such a compendium for male, female, transgender(?) humans of all known ages (0...100+)? If so, what's the URL and/or key search terms to find it or the small set of sources that comprise it? It doesn't have to be a U.S. data source. Moreover, man-made parts and fluids are sought too.
I got the following response.
Your e-mail message of March 18, 2010 has been forwarded to me for reply. The only 3D graphical display of the human body that I know of is the Body Human Exhibit - http://www.bodiestheexhibition.com/ - but, I don't know that you are looking for this kind of information. The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN - http://www.optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/) deals in solid organ transplants such as heart, liver, lungs, pancreas, kidney and small intestine as well tissue which includes skin, bone, cornea, and connective tissue. All of the organs and tissue that are donated is recovered and distributed by organ procurement organizations (OPOs). OPOs have working relationships with tissue and eye banks across the country to collect and process tissue donations. Another branch within the Division of Transplantation deals with the donation and utilization of bone marrow and blood stem cells - http://bloodcell.transplant.hrsa.gov/. In addition to natural body parts that are used for transplantation, there are few types of artificial man-made devices that can act as "bridge" organs for patients who are awaiting a transplant, e.g. a left ventricular assist device (L-VAD) that is sometimes used in heart patients.
I do not know of any centralized source for these transplantable organs and tissues that may have a 3D graphical user interface.
The only other information resource that I could give is the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS - http://www.unos.org/). UNOS is the federal contractor that provides all of the administrative services for the OPTN and they may be reached toll free on - 1-888-894-6361. UNOS may have some knowledge of the training materials that may be available for the professional development of transplant surgeons. If this is the kind of information that you are looking for, you might want to contact the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS - http://www.asts.org/) or the American Society of Transplantation (AST - http://www.a-s-t.org/). I am sorry that I could not help you further.
Richard Laeng, MPH
Public Health Analyst
Division of Transplantation, HSB/HRSA
I finally replied to Richard's quick response with the following.
Your response helps!
Thanks for the quick reply. I went to the Bodies exhibit in northern, VA a couple years ago and that is NOT what I'm looking for although it was a great exhibit. I really don't expect to find a single data source independent of country, nation-state, government agency, business / industrical sector, etc. for the male and female human bodies spanning embryo to 100+ yo adult for natural and artifical parts and fluids with a 3D user interface to interact with it. I am not surprised a part is tightly coupled with the job title for persons who can explant, implant, and/or transplant the matter and/or material between humans or human and culture medium, meaning you have to goto the URL for such-and-such society, association, council, board, academy, etc. to find what and what types of parts are avaliable for the human anatomy they specialize in.
Ideally, the web site would have a sliding (major) scale for age of the gender ranging from embryo to 100 yo in increments of months (1,200 steps in the minor scale!). Like the http://www.visiblebody.com/ web site you would have the semantics and syntax of the FMA supplemented with anatomical common terms for the layers and parts of the human body to visualize and animate. The major enhancements of this human-centric (vice provider, manufacturer, payer, disease, pharmaceutical, ... centric) will be menus to render and animate what parts are available for the (exploded) sectioned human anatomy in natural and artifical forms. Moreover, all the centricities I just mentioned could be simultaneously rendered for the web site visitor who might be browsing the site for health decision support--...augmentation (for cosmetics), ...transplantation, ...research, ...education and/or ...awareness.
Let me know if the DHHS gets the wild idea that they should build such a web-based environment in virtual reality for public, private and professional consumption. I like starting a journey of the human body with what I can related to--just naked me--and discover all the man-made institutions, medications, instrumentation, blah blah blah second to seeing a generic instantiation of the human matter and/or energy it stores and dissipates.
My next writing target is the CSC 2010 papers program submission deadline, 17 May 2010. I'm probably going to author a 5,000-word piece entitled "A Mirror World Architecture for the Intelligence Enterprise". From imager-to-renderer, microphone-to-speaker, pressure sensor-to-haptic device, and computer-aided designer-to-computer-aided intelligence consumer, I shall describe an architectural framework to ingest, digest, and egest objects of intelligence interest designed by humans or elements of nature. The reserviors, rates, and ratios of computing machinery, data, and human actors will be illustrated and analyzed to discuss the information management implications of a Mirror World paradigm for...intelligence...
As for the ferreting out the government agency and/or business that has a holistic approach via their web presence or product offering for managing (digital) human health maintenance from embryo to corpse, no luck. My recent inquiry and response was with the Dept. of Health and Human Services' Health Resources and Services Administration, Division of Transplantation. I asked the following.
I'm researching LifeGraphs, which is a undeveloped nDimensional native XML Database (NXD) for natural and legal persons' mobile mirror world. For natural persons, their human bodies pose a duanting set of requirements to manage their health maintenance, especially when you assume a 100-yr baseline for the period of maintenance (i.e., embryonic care through post-mortem examination). I'm searching for a centralized source of transplantable, replaceable and augmentable human body constituents (i.e., hard and soft tissues and bodily fluids) preferablely with a 3D graphical user interface. Is there such a compendium for male, female, transgender(?) humans of all known ages (0...100+)? If so, what's the URL and/or key search terms to find it or the small set of sources that comprise it? It doesn't have to be a U.S. data source. Moreover, man-made parts and fluids are sought too.
I got the following response.
Your e-mail message of March 18, 2010 has been forwarded to me for reply. The only 3D graphical display of the human body that I know of is the Body Human Exhibit - http://www.bodiestheexhibition.com/ - but, I don't know that you are looking for this kind of information. The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN - http://www.optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/) deals in solid organ transplants such as heart, liver, lungs, pancreas, kidney and small intestine as well tissue which includes skin, bone, cornea, and connective tissue. All of the organs and tissue that are donated is recovered and distributed by organ procurement organizations (OPOs). OPOs have working relationships with tissue and eye banks across the country to collect and process tissue donations. Another branch within the Division of Transplantation deals with the donation and utilization of bone marrow and blood stem cells - http://bloodcell.transplant.hrsa.gov/. In addition to natural body parts that are used for transplantation, there are few types of artificial man-made devices that can act as "bridge" organs for patients who are awaiting a transplant, e.g. a left ventricular assist device (L-VAD) that is sometimes used in heart patients.
I do not know of any centralized source for these transplantable organs and tissues that may have a 3D graphical user interface.
The only other information resource that I could give is the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS - http://www.unos.org/). UNOS is the federal contractor that provides all of the administrative services for the OPTN and they may be reached toll free on - 1-888-894-6361. UNOS may have some knowledge of the training materials that may be available for the professional development of transplant surgeons. If this is the kind of information that you are looking for, you might want to contact the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS - http://www.asts.org/) or the American Society of Transplantation (AST - http://www.a-s-t.org/). I am sorry that I could not help you further.
Richard Laeng, MPH
Public Health Analyst
Division of Transplantation, HSB/HRSA
I finally replied to Richard's quick response with the following.
Your response helps!
Thanks for the quick reply. I went to the Bodies exhibit in northern, VA a couple years ago and that is NOT what I'm looking for although it was a great exhibit. I really don't expect to find a single data source independent of country, nation-state, government agency, business / industrical sector, etc. for the male and female human bodies spanning embryo to 100+ yo adult for natural and artifical parts and fluids with a 3D user interface to interact with it. I am not surprised a part is tightly coupled with the job title for persons who can explant, implant, and/or transplant the matter and/or material between humans or human and culture medium, meaning you have to goto the URL for such-and-such society, association, council, board, academy, etc. to find what and what types of parts are avaliable for the human anatomy they specialize in.
Ideally, the web site would have a sliding (major) scale for age of the gender ranging from embryo to 100 yo in increments of months (1,200 steps in the minor scale!). Like the http://www.visiblebody.com/ web site you would have the semantics and syntax of the FMA supplemented with anatomical common terms for the layers and parts of the human body to visualize and animate. The major enhancements of this human-centric (vice provider, manufacturer, payer, disease, pharmaceutical, ... centric) will be menus to render and animate what parts are available for the (exploded) sectioned human anatomy in natural and artifical forms. Moreover, all the centricities I just mentioned could be simultaneously rendered for the web site visitor who might be browsing the site for health decision support--...augmentation (for cosmetics), ...transplantation, ...research, ...education and/or ...awareness.
Let me know if the DHHS gets the wild idea that they should build such a web-based environment in virtual reality for public, private and professional consumption. I like starting a journey of the human body with what I can related to--just naked me--and discover all the man-made institutions, medications, instrumentation, blah blah blah second to seeing a generic instantiation of the human matter and/or energy it stores and dissipates.
15 January 2010
Comment and Response to Think Piece (DRAFT)
Don Brutzman and I met for 2 hours recently in SW Wash DC to discuss the draft think piece I wrote the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research Consortium. I missed the 30 Nov 09 deadline and the 31 Dec 09 extended deadline so I will not be published to say the least. My effort was helpful because it drew out my shortcomings to communicate a message I have been trying to deliver for months if not years. Please consider the Don's comments and my initial responses if though you have not read the think piece on LifeGraphs: Mobile Mirror Worlds for Governments, Corporations and Citizens. http://mobilemirorworlds.blogspot.com has the think piece posted.
Goals - why does reader / sponsor care?
Ans: Reader / sponsor cares because they want an e-memory solution that is built to last as long as they live, not as long as the latest information mgmt/organizer fad/trend survives.
Outcomes - overall & intermediate; how are they measured; costs & benefits
Ans: The overall outcome is the capability to graphically, acoustically and tactically render the nDimensional digital versions of one's traded items and planned trades (remember my 2D chart with age on the vertical axis and time (past/future) on the horizontal axis). For natural persons their human body will probably be the most viewed and mashed up scene graph for health maintenance. Remember the trading entities: natural and legal persons, which breaks out into many combinations including
government-to-government (aka G2G; all levels)
government-to-citizen (i.e., a natural person)
corporation-to-corporation (aka B2B)
citizen-to-citizen (C2C)
The intermediate outcome is the creation of demand for nDimensional digital versions of traded items (goods and services) to be made instantly available at the point of trade. If not at the point of sale then sometime later offered by some legal entity other than the OEM, which will be odd if you ask me.
The outcomes are measured by the number of traders and traded items in the market offering a nDimensional digital version of traded items that is semantically compliant to a global standard for 3D graphics/acoustics/haptics, of course! There are ~6.7 B human on the planet so there are potentially 6 B lifegraphs (and traders) theoretically possible. The Global Traded Item Number (GTIN) is designed to accomodate approximate 10 trillion items at once so there are approximately 10 trillion nDimensional digital versions to author in X3DEdit or some DCC tool. A question I have is how many different traded items does the average government, corporation and citizen who live a century come to own?
The costs are too difficult for me estimate from my desk so I won't try considering you should be skeptical of any attempt since I'm not in the business cost estimation. The benefits are too numerous to list here. I know I will relish having instant access to the cumulative effects and amounts, totals, sums, whatever of anything I have owned or done with little effort to query it. Moreover, being able to plan in nDimensions with digitial versions of traded items or items I design on the same platform is appealling.
- incremental (vice leap of faith into utopian future)
- mutual incentives for large variety of participants
- show logical outgrowth of existing initiatives
- medical records?
- personal lifelogging?
- some patients are successful; will spread to other domains
Ans: My strategy is to demonstrate the possible to an audience of local/state/federal government officials/employees, small/medium/large corporate executives/employees and high/middle/low-class citizens/residents all in the same room at the same time. The demo will cover a 100 years of trading between all nine types of people mentioned but compressed a 100,000x (i.e., 8 hrs of running demo per perspective in a 12-hr day for breaks). Imagine a nine-sided room with 90 people in the audience (10 per type that represents the best cross-section of their class) all centered on their screen that's split to show the 1) their user interface and 2) the user interface of the person they are trading with.
Ans: Mutual incentives are lower acquisition costs, faster information access, digitally signed (trusted) content, and richer content if person is willing to sell it.
Ans: Logical outgrowth of existing initiatives, huh! You let me know when your healthcare providers give you a personalized 3D model of your body that is driven by a native XML database of values for your systems, organs, etc. that you can query and use in a collaborative session online. You have got to be kidding me, right. Do you think we are anywhere near the day that patients will be videoconferencing with their providers based on a common view of their digital/virtual anatomy/physiology overlaid with charts showing trends of test results? And then watch the provider submit prescriptions to be mailed to the patients home during the same session? Don't hold your breath.
general public
technical experts
standards bodies
industry companies
Ans: I don't recognize many of the thousands of categories used in marketing. For LifeGraphs, you are either a natural person or a legal one, period. All those roles we play as natural persons are ephermal in the context of a 100 year lifetime. I think folks will have some difficulty embracing the idea of a LIFETIME OF TRADES planned and executed, and TRADED ITEMS owned, used and dispositioned at their instant disposal. I do.
Importance of Standards
+ commonality creates markets; alternative is ...(balkanization)
- legal progress lags best practices rather than driving their requirements
+ success are technical & economic & social
- numerous negative forces opposing standards
Ans: This is self-evident so I cannot say anything new about this.
Comparative analysis of other approaches (e.g., Mirror Worlds et al. Metaverse Lifelogging)
which might help explain why the hoped for result might work
Ans: I don't know of any comparative approaches but I'm looking for something that's been around its owners for 50 years with legs to go another 50 years. There is nothing easy about this even though it should appear simple. If you design a good or service for trade, implement it yourself or have some else do it in 3D graphics, acoutics and haptics (and semantics) with the best digital content creation capabilities. When you trade the product (i.e., good or service) provide the digitally signed nDimensional digital product too. That's it, you as the seller are done! Let the software market provide a new class of digital content management tools so the buyer can experience total recall or total foresight (gotta think symmetrically in time), which is what LifeGraph software will be all about.
Backups - forward/backward compability, reliability, storage, capacity, access, encrypt/decrypt, etc.
Ans: Folks have to be responsible with their lifegraph (virtual/mirror life/existence) just like their real life. They only have one so there might be a new form of insurance to crop up for some who treasure their lifegraph.
Thanks again for hanging out at the Courtyard Marriott Monday evening. I look forward to our next gathering. Maybe I should explain how I plan to boil the ocean by writing a book and steer clear of shorter projects like journal papers. Do I have NYT best-seller in me, LoL?
Goals - why does reader / sponsor care?
Ans: Reader / sponsor cares because they want an e-memory solution that is built to last as long as they live, not as long as the latest information mgmt/organizer fad/trend survives.
Outcomes - overall & intermediate; how are they measured; costs & benefits
Ans: The overall outcome is the capability to graphically, acoustically and tactically render the nDimensional digital versions of one's traded items and planned trades (remember my 2D chart with age on the vertical axis and time (past/future) on the horizontal axis). For natural persons their human body will probably be the most viewed and mashed up scene graph for health maintenance. Remember the trading entities: natural and legal persons, which breaks out into many combinations including
government-to-government (aka G2G; all levels)
government-to-citizen (i.e., a natural person)
corporation-to-corporation (aka B2B)
citizen-to-citizen (C2C)
The intermediate outcome is the creation of demand for nDimensional digital versions of traded items (goods and services) to be made instantly available at the point of trade. If not at the point of sale then sometime later offered by some legal entity other than the OEM, which will be odd if you ask me.
The outcomes are measured by the number of traders and traded items in the market offering a nDimensional digital version of traded items that is semantically compliant to a global standard for 3D graphics/acoustics/haptics, of course! There are ~6.7 B human on the planet so there are potentially 6 B lifegraphs (and traders) theoretically possible. The Global Traded Item Number (GTIN) is designed to accomodate approximate 10 trillion items at once so there are approximately 10 trillion nDimensional digital versions to author in X3DEdit or some DCC tool. A question I have is how many different traded items does the average government, corporation and citizen who live a century come to own?
The costs are too difficult for me estimate from my desk so I won't try considering you should be skeptical of any attempt since I'm not in the business cost estimation. The benefits are too numerous to list here. I know I will relish having instant access to the cumulative effects and amounts, totals, sums, whatever of anything I have owned or done with little effort to query it. Moreover, being able to plan in nDimensions with digitial versions of traded items or items I design on the same platform is appealling.
- incremental (vice leap of faith into utopian future)
- mutual incentives for large variety of participants
- show logical outgrowth of existing initiatives
- medical records?
- personal lifelogging?
- some patients are successful; will spread to other domains
Ans: My strategy is to demonstrate the possible to an audience of local/state/federal government officials/employees, small/medium/large corporate executives/employees and high/middle/low-class citizens/residents all in the same room at the same time. The demo will cover a 100 years of trading between all nine types of people mentioned but compressed a 100,000x (i.e., 8 hrs of running demo per perspective in a 12-hr day for breaks). Imagine a nine-sided room with 90 people in the audience (10 per type that represents the best cross-section of their class) all centered on their screen that's split to show the 1) their user interface and 2) the user interface of the person they are trading with.
Ans: Mutual incentives are lower acquisition costs, faster information access, digitally signed (trusted) content, and richer content if person is willing to sell it.
Ans: Logical outgrowth of existing initiatives, huh! You let me know when your healthcare providers give you a personalized 3D model of your body that is driven by a native XML database of values for your systems, organs, etc. that you can query and use in a collaborative session online. You have got to be kidding me, right. Do you think we are anywhere near the day that patients will be videoconferencing with their providers based on a common view of their digital/virtual anatomy/physiology overlaid with charts showing trends of test results? And then watch the provider submit prescriptions to be mailed to the patients home during the same session? Don't hold your breath.
general public
technical experts
standards bodies
industry companies
Ans: I don't recognize many of the thousands of categories used in marketing. For LifeGraphs, you are either a natural person or a legal one, period. All those roles we play as natural persons are ephermal in the context of a 100 year lifetime. I think folks will have some difficulty embracing the idea of a LIFETIME OF TRADES planned and executed, and TRADED ITEMS owned, used and dispositioned at their instant disposal. I do.
Importance of Standards
+ commonality creates markets; alternative is ...(balkanization)
- legal progress lags best practices rather than driving their requirements
+ success are technical & economic & social
- numerous negative forces opposing standards
Ans: This is self-evident so I cannot say anything new about this.
Comparative analysis of other approaches (e.g., Mirror Worlds et al. Metaverse Lifelogging)
which might help explain why the hoped for result might work
Ans: I don't know of any comparative approaches but I'm looking for something that's been around its owners for 50 years with legs to go another 50 years. There is nothing easy about this even though it should appear simple. If you design a good or service for trade, implement it yourself or have some else do it in 3D graphics, acoutics and haptics (and semantics) with the best digital content creation capabilities. When you trade the product (i.e., good or service) provide the digitally signed nDimensional digital product too. That's it, you as the seller are done! Let the software market provide a new class of digital content management tools so the buyer can experience total recall or total foresight (gotta think symmetrically in time), which is what LifeGraph software will be all about.
Backups - forward/backward compability, reliability, storage, capacity, access, encrypt/decrypt, etc.
Ans: Folks have to be responsible with their lifegraph (virtual/mirror life/existence) just like their real life. They only have one so there might be a new form of insurance to crop up for some who treasure their lifegraph.
Thanks again for hanging out at the Courtyard Marriott Monday evening. I look forward to our next gathering. Maybe I should explain how I plan to boil the ocean by writing a book and steer clear of shorter projects like journal papers. Do I have NYT best-seller in me, LoL?
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