08 November 2013
4th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning Technologies
I am going to this event to meet who I hope are future business partners in my human health graph enterprise. I'm convinced no one has emerged out of stealth development with a direct to consumer solution for whole/total/full body scanning and imaging with automatic orthorectification. The requisite inputs for orthorectification are 1) an image with accurate sensor geometry and 2) an elevation model of the body surface in VRML/X3D format. I haven't found any providers of automatic orthorectification for a human body of any age, size, posture or gender at rest. Developing the body scaffold for the panoply of scanners and imagers moving along it is one of many development projects necessary for HHG success. The field of regard and field of view for the scanners and imagers will be smaller than the scanned and imaged area no matter where they are along the body scaffold. This will require a dynamic shutter as the slant range between he body and the scanners and imagers will vary 50% from a nominal distance of 15 cm. The elevation and image resolutions will be designed to match an adult human's unaided vision or 90 micrometers. This equates to approximately 200,000,000 vertices (elevation mesh) and 200,000,000 pixels per spectral band.
05 August 2013
my IRAD proposal slide nine (last) note
Here is my wishful thinking for a ROM cost to do what I proposed. No one mentioned in this has seen these numbers so you can laugh aloud.
2,000 hrs direct Project Manager ($150/hr = $300K)
4,000 hrs Consultants labor (@ $150/hr = $600K)
4,000 hrs Subcontractors labor (@ $150/hr = $600K)
MarkLogic for NXD
Sizestream for body scanners and Canfield Scientific for skin imagers
Web3D Consortium and equivalents for Acoustics and Haptics
Materials and Equipment
$25K for instrument fees (buy, rent, lease) to generate data from (tissue, fluid, gas, EMR) measurements needed to develop and initialize the Native XML DB (NXD).
Sizestream will provide 3D body scanner and Canfield will provide the whole body skin imager prototypes for home use
$15K for computing machinery (i.e., laptops, tablets, smart phones, peripherals)
$50K for s/w licenses (Mark Logic Server, Ada 2012 complier, Bitmanagement X3D SDK, …) and class libraries.
$5K technical publications (journal articles, papers, books, etc.) not freely accessible
$15K for 20 person-travel days, 10 round-trips to subcontractors and partners’ locations for meetings and body measurements. Virtual Worlds will used for collaboration and development.
Other Direct Costs
The slide note follows:
Basis of Estimates from Work Breakdown Structure (Earned Value Worksheet)
Software Security Engineering
Software Reliability Engineering
eCommerce Design
Computer Programming
XML Server: WebServer, Search and Database Management System
Instrument Manufacturers Consortia, Institutes, Associations, Councils, Societies,
XML Schema | DTD
Instrument data and metadata
Web3D Consortium Members | International Society of Human Simulation
Humanoid Simulation
Electrical Fields
Magnetic Fields
X3D Standards
Humanoid Animation
3D Graphics
3D Haptics
3D Acoustics
my IRAD proposal slide eight note
here is my eighth slide note for my Human Health Graph proposal
Clearly, I attempt to stress myself out to achieve this productivity numbers!
8 hours per scenario, case or story
10 minutes per XML schema element or attritube
10 minutes per SysML or UML documented symbolic statement
1 hr per feature point or function point
30 minutes per declarative language statement (e.g., X3D node implementation) for 3D graphics, 3D acoustics and 3D haptics languages
4 hrs per specification change description
4 hrs per computing machine configuration
8 hrs per demonstration per platform
So here is the list of work products in on the slide
Statement of Work
Create the 100-Yr human health baseline (documented as a HTML5 web site)
Objectives—Database all data types, value ranges and measurement requirements
Approach—Request health instrument interfaces and data types from manufacturers
Results—UML data model of 100-Yr male & female life and postmortem disposition
Create human avatar with interfaces via linguistics, graphics, acoustics and haptics
Objective—Avatar acts w/date, time, location, motion, schedule, and health awareness
Approach—Benchmark male & female health over 100 yrs then postmortem disposition
Results—Avatar rendering and user interactions—25 most common 100-Yr life situations
Milestones and Accomplishments (hrs are cumulative) I'm dreaming!
1k hrs M0: S/W Reqs A0: 100 Scenarios or Use Cases and 100 User Stories (1/gender-yr)
2k hrs M1: Data Baseline A1: Native XML DB of all health data types searchable and profiled
3k hrs M2: Instruments Benchmark A2: Relationships btwn instruments, data, …, and health
4k hrs M3: System Architecture A3: SysML diagrams created and fully documented
6k hrs M4: S/W Design A4: UML diagrams created and fully documented
9k hrs M5: S/W Prototype A5: mobile & desktop clients function 100 min demonstrating 100 feature pts and all UI feature navigation w/o warnings, errors or rebooting
10k hrs M6: Partner Agreements A6: Federal, State, local and tribal government facilities declare IOC
my IRAD proposal slide seven note
Here is my seventh slide note to my Human Health Graph proposal
I will take the “Unlimited Pie” negotiation approach with partners (subcontractors, consultants, Consortia etc.).
I attended the second International Summit for Human Simulation this May in St. Pete Beach, FL. I was part of the Standards Working Group after the first day. There are no standards for human simulation now but the members in the WG believe there is room for some. It will be a long journey to ISO standardization of some feature set for digital simulation of the human being because one has to choose where in a 100-Yr lifespan of a given gender and health state to standardized. The first step is to collect the services sold to date of the leading companies in this market. The survey results will form the basis for could be standardized and have market value.
the slide content is worth reading too.
Relevance and Contribution
High Definition (HD) Digital Humans are relevant in any market where human safety or security is a factor in the trade of goods or services; developers want HD virtual humans for product development-BioCAD, BioCAE, BioCAM, and let's not forget about BioPrinting, 3D & 4D printing!
Trusted, secure, low-cost and high speed exchange of HD digital health data, whether actual or desired from owner to retailer, vendor, supplier and/or provider at levels and quantities fit for purpose contributes to the reduction of the costs for doing business and the improvement of human health (all types—dental, mental, etc.)
Markets such as Healthcare, Defense, Intelligence, Insurance, and Homeland Security are investing in human simulation which lacks ready, HD, low-cost access to longitudinal data from all ages and genders in the populace to develop goods and services in synthetic environments using the full spectrum of accredited digital humans for product decision making
Business Potential, Opportunities, and Key Customers
The potential for catalyzing human simulation, animation and modeling standards is huge if a significant percentage of the full human spectrum (age and gender) adopts and addicts to health graphing via a personally anthropometric avatar for several decades if not a life-thru-death time
The opportunity to be first to market with the health platform built to evolve to a 100-Yr lifeline and generational bloodlines is huge—average $00s per human per year via payers and providers if not patients. Neither Google nor Microsoft personal health record initiatives are comparable because their interfaces are not optionally standalone nor anthropometric yet alone personally anthropometric via regular 3D total body scans and skin images
Military Health System, Social Security Administration, NASA, ODNI, DHS, and DHHS will salivate for this technology
my IRAD proposal slide six note
Here is the sixth slide note in my Human Health Graph proposal
Parents, single adults, relatives caring for their elders will have the platform to manage their and their children’s health while learning about the cause and effect of healthcare. The user based will become smarter and responsible patients, which makes tracking treatment and preventing diseases that much easier, hopefully less costly.
I pasted the content for this slide because the note doesn't reveal much.
Distinctive Attributes, Advantages, and Discriminators
A personally anthropometric interface to health data history, monitoring and schedules discriminates this Health Graphs from every other health record yet alone its artificial intelligence for rendering your anticipatory avatar, obviating highly probable UI navigation steps
Schedule, location, condition, instrumentation, and motion awareness
True-color rendering of imaged and morphed anatomy, virtual reality acoustics of bodily functions and behaviors and haptic feedback
Native XML DB architecture for structured, semi-structured and unstructured data I/O
Based on international standards intended for highly-reliable, safety-critical, high-integrity, secure software engineering and programming methods (i.e., Ada 2012, et al)
Tangible Assets Created
C3 Group for project management artifacts
HTML5 / WebGL website for interactive, anthropometric, multi-scale 100-Yr health baseline
C3 Wiki for 100 scenarios, use cases and user stories
Native XML database (NXD) of biometrics for 100-yo humans (incl. postmortem disposition)
Integrated 3D body-shape scanner and HD radio- and photometric skin imager prototypes
Service and System architectures in System Modeling Language (Enterprise Architect)
NXD and software design in Unified Modeling Language (Enterprise Architect)
NXD and software prototypes in Integrated Development Environment
OS X, iOS, Windows 8, Linux, and Android OS prototypes
my IRAD Proposal slide five note
Here is my fifth slide note in my Human Health Graph proposal
This isn’t a solution graphic as much as it is representation of the scalar (as opposed to an anthropometric or vector) human health graph. The area of the parallelogram represents the 2-D view of data volume possible during a life-death time. I need to illustrate a 3rd dimension to really bring the volume of data by type per unit type to life. Whether the data is measured or calculated from sensors | detectors | meters of any type, networked and coupled or not, in, on or off the body doesn’t matter. The reader needs to see a color map of my estimate of the number of measurands known to man as a function of time versus the number of measurements occurring. In the 2D graph, a dot would appear for one or more measurements or calculations during that interval. I want the baseline time interval to be one second meaning 3.15576 billion-second baseline (i.e., 100 Years)! Moreover, if you assume the number of affordable, probable intelligent simultaneous measures and calculated parameters for the human body & mind over all spatial and temporal scales during a century of life is 300 on average for any individual, each measurement-calculation second, consuming a centi-joule, weighing a megabyte (compressed and encrypted), spread over 100 kHz, and consuming one million instructions, implies the 100-Yr human health graph will consume 30 megajoules, weigh approximately 4 petabytes (10^15) and execute at least a peta instructions and floating point operations. Some unmetered amount of air time (RF bandwidth) will be used for subscription-based (fee for access) biotelemetry and biotelematics during the same life-death time.
The solution graph is found in previous post from last year. I'm working on an H-Anim humanoid to bring the idea to life. developing software to take most of the friction out of various quantified self real-time measurement threads to H-Anim files (XML documents in an native XML database or catalog of databases) is one hard part of this project.
my IRAD proposal slide four note
Here is the updated slide 4 note (potential solution and challenges) to my Human Health Graphs proposal
The human Health Graph is all about human health data and data structures! The solution to the problem starts with a 100-Yr baseline of those data for a healthy human that comes from a universal understanding of how to valid health of all types (mental, sexual, oral, etc.).
Since this note is so short here's the slide content
My theory is pan-awareness, animated, personalized, anthropometric interfaces for one’s simulatable digital human model will cause addiction to measuring their health at home and on the go up to an unknown yet varying plateau of minutes in a day during a lifetime and thus one’s bloodline. Moreover, such an interface will cause a significant increase in usage of extant and emerging biometric and health instruments to “fill in blanks (or biomarkers)” per se of one’s digital human model and in expectations for ever increasingly accurate animations and simulations of one anatomy, physiology and behavior.
Bundle software for health graphs with consumer-grade and commercial-grade 3D body scanners and skin imagers. Establish agreements with commercial and government entities to host these devices so they are as numerous and convenient as gas stations.
Catalyze the industries comprising the supply and value chains of data in a health graph to create and complete ISO standards for the ecosystem of services that reinforce continual measurement and exchange of measures for the benefit of managing one’s health, the health of their bloodline and public health by implementing artificial intelligence and various efficiencies.
Potential Challenges
Creating the data structures and algorithms to control the cross-platform avatar with awareness of user location & orientation, motion, date-time, health, constraints, and plan-goal.
Persuading hundreds in industries and government offices (e.g., hospitals, grocery stores, libraries, etc.) to agree to conspicuously integrate low-cost yet appealing 3D body scanners and skin imagers onto their premises and customer experience paradigm
Maintain backwards compatibility without significant user involvement or cost for services to upgrade legacy data (formats) and software technology
my IRAD proposal slide three note
Here is an updated slide three note of my IRAD proposal on Human Health Graphs
The time [seconds-minutes per datum], energy [watt-hours per datum] and effort [logins, mouse clicks, audible commands, keystrokes, gestures, etc.] to manage health data from disparate instruments, facilities (incl. the field), observers (i.e., self, medics, doctors, etc.), etc. hampers its synthesis and effective use during life and postmortem disposition. As of 01 Jan 2012, there are 133,871 unique measurands (variables, parameters, quantities, etc.) available from analog (876) and digital (9,876) instruments in the global medical device [~$200 B/yr] market place. I made up those figures but I would like to know how has taken on the challenge of tracking such factoids! If all types of instruments were used for a female (the stressing gender) during a 100-Yr life and death time in accordance with the 154 medical protocols for training, screening and treating females including my 22 measurement protocols, 63.987 TB of uncompressed data would comprise her health graph. Again, I fabricated the numbers to get past the paralysis of not finding summary stats for body & mind quantification with the latest measurement technologies' data generation extrapolated to the end of a 100-Yr baseline lifetime. The bevy of HealthIT apps have a intolerably high abandonment rate (>59% after 4 weeks) despite their relatively young time in the market (i.e., version and release histories, download rates and sales figures). I don't know the real numbers but I like the sentence. IP Watchdog, Mobile commerce daily, mHIMSS, et al who attempt to measure such behaviors and compute statistics report the reasons for abandonment are varied. Human health management support tools (in the hundreds) are not integrated and accessible via an anthropometric interface of oneself in HD graphic, acoustic and haptic modalities over large [10^9] dynamic ranges of time and space (i.e,. nano, micro, meso and macro). I have not found proof of what additional value (i.e., desired resiliency, immunity, conditions, performance, or outcomes) having such a management tool will bring over a 100-Yr lifetime—lower healthcare insurance premiums, less time spent on therapeutic healthcare, better plans for preventative and performance-enhancing healthcare, HD awareness causing less worry & stress about short or long-term effects of health history, etc. Nonetheless, I believe the abandonment rate of HealthIT apps can be solved by presenting many feature points with your animated virtual [or digital or synthetic for anthromorphic interfaces] self as the UI revolutionizing your UX. After all, how often do you abandon yourself!?! This strategy works with a unified data model for human health and healthcare, which don’t exist.
my IRAD proposal slide two note
Here's my note for slide two of the 9-slide IRAD Proposal for Human Health Graphs
No payer, provider or retailer has a data model and concomitant software package for the human being starting from zygote detection through postmortem disposition. The health and medical measurements of human bodies & behaviors with instruments and observations by humans (licensed, registered, certified, …) are segregated and have never been amassed under one document cover or hyperlinked via an age and gender dependent humanoid animation on the WWW. No one knows exactly how many measurements or instruments by type or category exist for the human body & behavior there are for any given date-time group let alone other attributes like costs to own (i.e., store, secure, etc.), operate, calibrate, etc. the instruments (sensors, detectors, etc.). Or the amount of hard or soft tissue, bodily fluid, gas, or electric or magnetic field strength required for a given [in situ or remote] measurement. How long is the measurement for a given accuracy or precision? Health Graphs abolish the centricities of the day in HealtIT, those being: geo-location, payer, treatment, conflict, technology, facility, vehicle, age, activity, employment status, organization, health condition, provider etc. Health Graphs are singularly aimed at the cycle of life and death for the human body and its behavior from single cell fertilization to sealed urn post cremation (or buried body postmortem examination).
my IRAD proposal slide one note
Last year I responded to a invitation for IRAD proposals. I submitted one but I didn't receive any useful feedback. Tell me what you think about my idea based on the notes in the 9-slide deck.
Extant health records (aka. Electronic Medical Record, Personal Health Record, Electronic Patient Record, …) are without anthropometric interfaces for the patient, the payers or the providers. I assert such an interface with data structures for real-time 3D visualization (graphics), 3D auralization & sonification (acoustics) and haptic feedback (haptics) is the key to user addiction and viral adoption of health graphs into life management including postmortem disposition for all ages (zygote to super centenarian) and genders shortly after its initial release. The term record connotes the past and health graph is a term for connoting the future through postmortem disposition along with the past—your health and that of your bloodline. Moreover, serving customers via health graphs will catalyze the industries for digital human models, which human simulation and humanoid animation software and services, many Cloud based but others locally executed, will capitalize for acute and novel events in peoples’ lives. More health data (primitive and derived) equates to more revenue and profit for everyone in the chains (supply, value, …) of those data. No one knows how much health data from instruments and recorded human observations are generated as a function of age and gender amongst other subcategories during a 100-Yr lifetime including postmortem disposition so this project will create a baseline to frame the business case for developing the technology needed for health graph software and health management services during a century of life then postmortem disposition.
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