16 October 2007

Week 19 MedX3D

I am almost finished reading the mailing list postings from 2004 to present for the Med Working Group. The basic questions that I'm seeking will have answers that fill in the Use Cases on nHand software's human body features.

How well does the MedX3D extension to the X3D specification allow extant gamut of human body (i.e., brain waves, blood chemistry, bone density, etc.) measurements to be rendered? There are many imaging modalities in use to digitize human structures and behaviors at the molecular level upwards. When you look at your body like an enterprise with multiple levels of structure (anatomy, physiology, etc.) that has more connections than connectors, you can appreciate the computational challenge of the living hunman representation in 3D and 4D.

I want an X3D-based application for patients (consumers) that captures, stores, supplements, and complements with ontologies for pathological and physiological features and functions all the medical measurements they get throughout their life span. The European Union developed a Strategy for The EuroPhysiome (STEP) that describes the Living Human Project. It involves Grid Computing and 3D visualization amongst a long list of buzzwords.

Just imagine having your electronic health record in your hand that starts with your birth and ends with your death rendered in 3D or 4D with text and audible layers that you can hyperlink to your other records (finanical, criminal, political, etc.) to correlate and contemplate causation. I've pondered a personal portfolio composed of record types that should be all-inclusive for the average American (maybe human being in the civilized world), so far I have the following.

High-Level Personal Records (X3D supported?)

01 Health (mental, physical, vision, dental, sexual, nutritional, etc.)
02 Financial (property owned, outstanding debts, income and expenses)
03 Legal (voting for laws-all levels of govt to breaking them-Crimes! ...documents)
04 Instructional (academic and learning--formal and informal)
05 Professional (paid job or volunteer performance evaluations--self and raters)
06 Navigational (walking, driving, flying, etc.--where have you been and when?)
07 Recreational (lifestyle choices not covered by above categories, etc.)

08 October 2007

Weeks 15 - 18

I focused my discretionary time on a 8,000 word paper and 13-slide presentation for the week-long (24-28 Sep) 58th International Astronautical Congress in Hyderabad, India for the last few weeks. That's over and I'm back to working on the X3D grant. I am defining requirements for the nHand applications and analyzing the X3D specification for the architectural solution for a presentation layer.