16 November 2008

Data, Diagrams and Decisions

It is obvious I should use a life that I have the most control over to experiment with its data generation, diagrams of its storage, and decisions on its access & usage. That life is my mine or my son's. As I prepare my LEF Grant brief for 11 Dec 08, I have to orient the audience's mindset to mine so they have the best opportunity to comprehend what I am about to share. So the first section of the brief, Opening Section: Bridging Mindsets and Mind Shares, attempts to bridge their mindset with the mindshares of the virtual world, virtual reality, virtual environment communities I've been investingating since 2007 in 10 slides. You can replace virtual with synthetic or cyber too.

There is one slide preceding the bridge that covers the LEF Grant proposal that got me started on this journey. It states the six items I planned to learn and three items I planned to deliver to the LEF Forum. Since I didn't get the opportunity to work on this grant full-time for the 370+ hours as I hoped to (and was expected to by the LEF Forum), I've only work part-time and sometimes sporadically at that. The LEF Grant report to follow the briefing will be submitted to the LEF Library sometime in early 2009.

The X3D Section is an overview of the syntax and architecture of X3D. I will provide a context of X3D advantages and disadvantages by discussing other scene graph languages that have come and go, and are still in use. Humanoid Animation, ISO/IEC 14774, will be discussed and its working group's activities too. The Web3D Consortium has 13 working groups defined but only a fraction are active. Those being X3D Earth, H-Anim, MedX3D, and the CAD WG to name a few. I'm one of three co-chairs for the CAD WG, which is working to update the standard so X3D exporters will be common place in the menu system of CAD packages. This feature will accelerate the reuse of CAD data in more links of the Supply, Value and Customer chains. I will raise a few questions and suggestions about the need for updates to the X3D specification for Life Graph software to work well in every type (3) of enterprise.

The Enterprise Section is a brief look at the digital data generation, storage, and disposition rates of governments, corporations and citizens. This is where I discuss the rate of CAD data per product in the global marketplace. I describe the perfect storm of demand and acceleration of content creation from the obessession to have a Life Graph with financials and X3D for all traded items an enterprise comes to possess. I'm thinking about how to document the 100 years of the digital lifestyle in only a decade for each enterprise type. For citizen enterprises, this could means I find 0-, 10-, 20-, 30-, 40-, 50-, 60-, 70-, 80-, 90-yr olds (male & female) and track their digital data creation from financial transactions for one decade to create a baseline of a 100-yr human life. How I extrapolate the digital data creation volume per transaction from the study's decade to nine decades out is beyond me. Maybe I'll trace the 3D CAD industry's product pentration and data volume (ignoring format incompatibilities) from it's origin to today. Your suggestions are welcomed. Free publications with these profiles are desired even more!

The Application Section is were I flip through 13 or more UML/SysML diagrams of the rudimentary architecture and design paradigms for Life Graph Software. First, there is the native XML database management system and its interface to the X3D browser. Then the X3D browser architecture is described (borrowed from Xj3D probably) with many additional features to enable the "selective sell back" capability that defines my Blue Ocean Strategy. Last, are designs for many interfaces that make for artifically intelligent management of the Life Graph, which is critical for additive usage and viral adoption.

The Closing Section is my platform to elaborate on the X3D demand creation options available to Government, Corporations and Citizens. Ultimately, I have to prototype all but the mundane use case to grab the enterprises' attention of the potential in the idea of Life Graph software. It starts with planning in X3D by referencing behavioral intelligence reports in X3D and placing X3D products for purchase in future states of the Life Graph. Watch out Franklin-Covey and Certified Financial Planners! Then it transitions to previewing your AI possessions in X3D, which includes acoustics and haptics features when possible. Finally, it ends with being solicited by a market research company who is willing to buy 15 years worth of authentic behavior and planned behavior for $25. It takes only 2 minutes and 5 human-machine interface events (generalized to accomodate voice, tactile, temporal and/or kinetic commanding methods) to command Life Graph software to prepare the behavior patterns and send them securely to the company's servers or diretly to research agent's storage device via bluetooth.