05 August 2013

my IRAD proposal slide eight note

here is my eighth slide note for my Human Health Graph proposal Clearly, I attempt to stress myself out to achieve this productivity numbers! 8 hours per scenario, case or story 10 minutes per XML schema element or attritube 10 minutes per SysML or UML documented symbolic statement 1 hr per feature point or function point 30 minutes per declarative language statement (e.g., X3D node implementation) for 3D graphics, 3D acoustics and 3D haptics languages 4 hrs per specification change description 4 hrs per computing machine configuration 8 hrs per demonstration per platform So here is the list of work products in on the slide Statement of Work Create the 100-Yr human health baseline (documented as a HTML5 web site) Objectives—Database all data types, value ranges and measurement requirements Approach—Request health instrument interfaces and data types from manufacturers Results—UML data model of 100-Yr male & female life and postmortem disposition Create human avatar with interfaces via linguistics, graphics, acoustics and haptics Objective—Avatar acts w/date, time, location, motion, schedule, and health awareness Approach—Benchmark male & female health over 100 yrs then postmortem disposition Results—Avatar rendering and user interactions—25 most common 100-Yr life situations Milestones and Accomplishments (hrs are cumulative) I'm dreaming! 1k hrs M0: S/W Reqs A0: 100 Scenarios or Use Cases and 100 User Stories (1/gender-yr) 2k hrs M1: Data Baseline A1: Native XML DB of all health data types searchable and profiled 3k hrs M2: Instruments Benchmark A2: Relationships btwn instruments, data, …, and health 4k hrs M3: System Architecture A3: SysML diagrams created and fully documented 6k hrs M4: S/W Design A4: UML diagrams created and fully documented 9k hrs M5: S/W Prototype A5: mobile & desktop clients function 100 min demonstrating 100 feature pts and all UI feature navigation w/o warnings, errors or rebooting 10k hrs M6: Partner Agreements A6: Federal, State, local and tribal government facilities declare IOC

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