13 July 2007


My copy of Virtual Reality Technology (ISBN: 0471360899) by Burdea and Coiffet arrived and I skimmed it.

I've read through the 30+ page advanced program for the SIGGRAPH2007. I visited all 191 exhibitors's web sites just to bookmark them and determine if I want to visit their booths at SIGGRAPH. There a five courses I have targeted: Su, State of the Art in Massive Model Visualization (full day 0830-1730); Mo, Spatial Augmented Reality: Merging Real and Virtual Worlds (half day 0830-1215) and Sorting in Space: Mulitdimensional, Spatial and Metric Data Structures for Computer Graphics Applications (half day 1345-1730); Tu, The Mobile 3D Ecosystem (full day); We, Advanced Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games (full day).

I chose the courses I did to serve the interestes of the Best Manufacturing Practices Center of Excellence involvement with Finite Element Modeling of naval vessels, which are large (GB scale) datasets of meshes. And I have a potential role in developing the features of BMPCOE's web applications. I want to make virtual reality part of our web site experience where and when it adds value. Specifying and integrating acoustics, 3D graphics and semantics of manufacturing to create that value will be the challenge. One BMPCOE applications developer who is familiar with CG and BMPCOE would use resources for other SD activities if given the choice to pick one or the other.

I also chose the courses to learn about the system engineering considerations of designing a platform independent application for someone (the actor) who wants an interactive, virtual world (the area) of their economic activity and artifacts to aid planning and decision making.

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